November has been here for eleven days now, and every November is now Movember. This is my second year supporting this charity to help raise awareness for men’s health and prostate cancer. I do my part every year by growing my mustache and using my art to raise money and awareness. Now, I am getting this off the ground a little late this year. Those that know me, know that I now have a little daughter now home from the hospital. That kinda sucked my attention away from the business of Movember.

How can I help Blueberry Arts support Movember?

  1. You can click here to donate.
  2. You can buy anything from my shop. 50% of the profits go towards the charity.
  3. There are two Movember themed comics at OH-NO Comics whose original art is for sale. 100% of the profit from this will go directly to Movember.
  4. Join the Blueberry Arts Movember Team! (it’s never too late to start growing your Mo)

I hope you will show your support. Thank you.

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