Here at OH NO, we are social! For a long time we have had a Facebook page, but now we have expanded and created a Google+ page too. Have you liked or +1-ed us yet? You should. I mean really you should. Throughout all of 2012 and the foreseeable future OH NO will be running specials and contests to only the friendly folks who are social with us. Starting in February we will be holding a contest to win a copy of one of my books, signed and doodled in to boot. All you have to do is LIKE us on Facebook or add us to your circles on G+ and watch for the post with instructions on what to do to show up before the end of the week. So if you are social with us, you can win stuff, cool huh?
Or if your not that social, you can pop over to the store and buy something. That will also get you a chance to win for every item you purchase.
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